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How To Make Your Lashes Last Longer

April 16, 2023

Lash extensions are perfect for those who want to wake up with gorgeous, fluffy lashes every day without all the hassle. To ensure you get the most out of your lash extension appointments, it’s important to know how to take care of your lash extensions properly and make them last longer. While lash extensions aren’t permanent, we’ll share expert tips and advice on how to maintain your lash extensions and keep them looking fabulous for as long as possible.

Be Gentle with Your Lashes

Avoid rubbing, pulling, or tugging at your lashes, as this can cause your natural lashes to weaken and the extensions to fall out prematurely. When cleansing your face or removing makeup, use a soft, gentle touch around the eye area.

Cleanse Your Lashes Regularly

Keeping your lash extensions clean is important for preventing the build-up of oils, dirt, and debris. This build-up can cause the adhesive bond to break down and your extensions will fall out sooner. Use a lash extension-friendly cleanser (usually oil-free) and a soft brush to gently clean your lashes daily. Make sure to cleanse at the base of your lashes to remove any residue and keep the lash line clean. This is especially important if you wear make-up!

Avoid Oil-Based Products

Certain oil-based products break down the adhesive used to bond your lash extensions to your natural lashes. Avoid using oil-based makeup, makeup removers, and skincare products around your eye area. Opt for water-based or lash extension-friendly products instead. You can always ask your lash technician if a certain product is okay or not!

Comb Your Lashes Throughout The Day

With the spoolie your lash artist provides you, gently comb through your lash extensions to keep them tangle-free. Not only will it maintain the look of your extensions, it will prevent excess pulling from the lash tangles.

Avoid Excessive Heat and Steam

Heat and steam can cause the adhesive bond to weaken, and the curl of your lash extensions to loosen. Try to avoid exposing your lash extensions to excessive heat and steam, such as from hot showers, saunas, or steam rooms. When using hair styling tools like curling irons or hairdryers, be cautious not to direct the heat too close to your lashes.

Sleep on Your Back

Sleeping on your back helps prevent you from rubbing your face against the pillow which will crush and rub your lash extensions. If you can’t help it, try using a silk or satin pillowcase to reduce friction and protect your lash extensions.

Regular Touch-ups

To keep your lash extensions looking good, schedule regular fills with your lash artist. We recommend every 2-3 weeks, depending on your lash growth cycle, your oiliness and your personal experience with retention (every client is different).

By following these tips and advice, your lashes will stay on longer, saving you money and keeping your lashes looking good the whole time. Book your appointment now!