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The Ultimate Guide to Lash Extensions: Sizes and Curls

April 23, 2023

Everyone’s lash extension styles are completely unique! Perfecting your personal lash style can transform your look, make you more confident and enhance your natural beauty. If you’re considering getting lash extensions but aren’t sure what to ask for this blog post will help you! In this blog post, we’ll explore the different lengths and curls of lash extensions, helping you find the perfect set for you and communicate that to your lash artist.


Lash extensions come in various lengths, ranging from 8mm to 17mm (some extensions go shorter and longer; however, going shorter than 8mm won’t make much of a difference and we highly discourage using anything longer than 17mm as it can damage your natural lashes). Your lash technician can help you choose the right length based on your natural lashes. As a general rule of thumb, it’s best to stick within 2-3mm of your natural lash length to prevent straining your natural lashes and preventing any discomfort and damage to your natural lash.

The lash artist can change the lengths throughout the eye to create different styles such as: cat-eye (longer on the outer corners) and doll-eye (longer towards the middle of the eye). The lengths that your lash artist uses can change based on your own personal preferences and your eye anatomy.


Lash extensions are available in various curl types, each designed to create a specific effect. The 3 most common curl types include:

  • C Curl: The C curl is a popular choice, delivering a dramatic, open-eyed look. This curl is versatile and works well with most eye shapes.

  • CC Curl: The CC curl is slightly curlier than C curl lash extensions and creates a more dramatic open-eyed look.

  • D Curl: The D curl offers the most lift and curl, creating a glamorous and dramatic effect. This curl is best suited for those with naturally curly lashes or those seeking a more dramatic look.

Depending on what curls your lash artist uses, your look can come out much more dramatic. This is important to discuss with your lash artist because depending on your eye anatomy, it can significantly change how your lash set will look.

Now that you’re familiar with the different sizes, and curls of lash extensions, you’re ready to have a discussion with your lash artist about perfecting your lash style. Be sure to consult with a skilled lash technician at Lash Dreams who can help you determine the best combination for your unique eye shape and desired look. With the right care and maintenance, your lash extensions will provide you with a stunning and long-lasting result, boosting your confidence and making your eyes truly stand out.